una gran cantidad de
= a good deal of, a great deal of, a large degree of, a mass of, a plethora of, a supply of, a vast amount of, a city of, a wealth of, a sea of, a cascade of, an army of, a good many, a huge number of, a great number of, a multitude of, scores of, a host of, a vast corpus of
Ex: There is a good deal of scope for users and novice cataloguers to find difficulty in identifying the appropriate heading for many of the works which are the responsibility of corporate bodies. Ex: As earlier sections amply demonstrate, there is a great deal of choice with regards to data bases. Ex: The floor is carpeted, thus providing a large degree of acoustic absorption and a unifying and dominant colour pattern through the library. Ex: Flaws are emphasized and frequent comparisons made with similar tools, but these are often buried in a mass of minutiae. Ex: A good thesaurus is not necessarily one that has been published with a plethora of effective relationship displays. Ex: If your library has decided to operate this way, there will be a supply of preprinted labels at the circulation desk. Ex: This 15 page report has a vast amount of valuable information between its covers derived from a variety of sources. Ex: This article outlines the preparatory stages and describes some of the problems presented by the physical conditions in a city of tents either drenched by rain or smothered by dust = Este artículo esboza las etapas preparatorias y describe algunos de los problemas que presentan las condiciones físicas de una gran cantidad de tiendas de campaña empapadas por la lluvia o cubiertas por el polvo. Ex: Such reports often make available a wealth of factual and statistical information which is not published elsewhere in such detail. Ex: In "upper town" streets are broad, quiet, and tree-shaded; the homes are tall and heavy and look like battleships, each anchored in its private sea of grass. Ex: Managers, overwhelmed by a cascade of documents, tend to turn away from print. Ex: The UK government will need to mobilize an "army" of 30,000 civil servants to solve the Year 2000 problem. Ex: A good many heavily gilt retailers" bindings (such as the small English devotional books that were sold in large numbers from the 1560s until the later seventeenth century) were indeed intended to look expensive while really being cheaply executed. Ex: A user searching for Smith's "History as Argument" who was not sure under which subject it would be entered, would have to prowl through a huge number of cards in a card catalog to find the entry under SMITH. Ex: Environmental organization receive a great number of public enquiries by phone and letter. Ex: In the midst of an industrialized and bureaucratized society made up of multitudes of people we live separate lives = En medio de una sociedad industrializada y burocratizada compuesta de una gran cantidad de gente, vivimos vidas distintas. Ex: Popular authors receive scores, in some cases hundreds, of letters a year from their young readers and every correspondent, I am quite sure, wants a reply. Ex: There is a host of legislative, political, financial, consumer, and other reports of individuals and corporate bodies. Ex: Basically, the book deals with a vast corpus of oral tradition, including both prose and poetic texts.